Monday, April 14, 2014

I Am Rather Proud "draft #3"

Number three in the draft series...this was last year.

When our daughter was just 3 months old my brother came to live with us.  We opened our home, hubby gave him a job and took a chance.  We wanted Matt to have the relationship we had with Jesus.  We pushed aside all of the what-if's and took that chance.  (My brother was a lost druggie with long hair living in Alaska.)

No one would've ever known he'd be a pastor let alone a missionary on the other side of the world touching people for Jesus.
 Showing some native items.

 My brother's family in native garb.  My family just happened to be in all red.  A few of my sister-in-love's family.  It was hard to say goodbye!

 Love these girls.

Just a funny video.  I thought it was in photo mode and it was in video mode.  Love this little man.

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